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Shanghai hospital will promote Self-Print X-ray film
Latest News: Shanghai will extensively promote self-help X-ray print
Chinese Guangzhou JIAYU MEDICAL CO.,LTD learn the information from the PACS exchange conference of Shanghai Society of radiology, the Shanghai Shuguang Hospital of China Medical University has promoted self-help X-ray print, and served more than fifty thousand people, the government said that this service will spread in the all shanghai hospital.
Example: the Scene of using Self-Print X-ray film
If you come into the out-patient hall of shuguang hospital, you can notice four Self-Print X-ray films just like ATM machine in front of Radiology door. Fan patient make a good X-ray film just 15 minutes, the medical X-ray machine shows that he can get the X-ray film. Mr Fan pull on the medicare card in the self-help machine ,about two minutes, the machine release two X-ray film and one diagnostic report, so the old people will not worry the machine using because of high technology. Uncle zhang ,from shanghai pudong, discovers that the machine will bring about sound or display words as soon as you push on the card, the print film marks the name、number and check date of patient with large font, so the old people can read the film easily.
Benefit: the speed of Self-Print X-ray machine
Since 2010,PACS system have been applied by 19 hospitals in shanghai, shuguang hospital, director of Radiology, Zhan Songhua introduces that the background diagnostic radiology have achieved digital completely, once the patient shoots an X-ray film, doctor will see it on the internet and give the diagnosis-related. The shuguang hospital data display that the time of taking X-ray film has shortened 15 minutes from half an hour, at the same time, the time of getting CT X-ray film has shortened 4 hours from two days. Besides, the self-help machine be applied in all day ,patients can take the film at any time. Moreover, the error, caused by same name or other reason, can be avoided by using card to receiving report.