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Computed Radiography (CR) Systems
Computed Radiography Defined
Computed Radiography (CR) is a type of digital radiology and offers an excellent opportunity to retrofit existing analog radiology equipment to make the transition to digital imaging. CR systems use very similar equipment to conventional radiography except that in place of a film to create the image, an imaging plate is used. The imaging plate is placed under the object to be examined and the medical x-ray exposure is made. Instead of taking an exposed film into a darkroom for developing in chemical tanks or an X-ray film processor, the imaging plate is run through a special laser scanner to read and digitize the image. Within moments, the digital image can then be viewed and enhanced using the CR software and transmitted for storage.
As a result of their affordable price and ease of installation and use, CR systems have quickly become the prevalent means to digitally capture x-ray images for many smaller hospitals, imaging centers and specialty practices.
The Benefits of Computed Radiography Systems
By eliminating the need for harsh chemicals and significantly improving development time and storage, CR systems offer a number of advantages over film-based technologies. CR systems:
1. Eliminate costly chemicals and resulting hazardous waste
2. Provide an adaptable image medium
3. Reduce other consumables that film-based systems require
4. Protect worker health and safety
5. Improve productivity by reducing work turn-around time and improving access to priors
6. Simply storage
7. Make test results readily available to off-site experts